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The Double Helix-Nebula, courtesy: NASA |
- Carl Sagan
Don't we all want the quantum singularity, coursing through our veins.
Like the blip blip signal of digital supernova?
Where hydrogen becomes helium, in an explosion of light, and E=hv carries the digital fingerprint of 'god'?
Stars become galaxies become DNA, and semi-conductors chips carry the message through to this laptop, through my fingers.
The quantum singularity is near. You can see it on Google Maps. Thanks Brin and Page and Markov and Kolmogorov and all those crazy Russians who sat around fires, looking into the sky. Love you guys!
Google's new collaboration with NASA on quantum computers, will change the soul of the human race. As we speak, it is happening. One world, one face, one humanity. Integrating everything from not just cell-phones and machines computers, but medicine and torchlight. The implications for social-humanist integration, of course, pulse through it all.
More than anything, it is all built on a single number. A unit of energy of energy so small, one cannot even sense it. The 'quantum' of light, called Planck's constant = 'h'. Named after a liberal, cigar-smoking German Professor called Max Planck - with his close friends Dr. Heisenberg and Dr. Einstein. (what's with these German Professors and cigars:)
PBS magazine recently called it: The Number That Rules Technology, Reality, and Life.
h = 6.6 x 10^-34 Joules sec.
Renowned mathematician and author, Dr. James Stein of California State University, put it succinctly: "The speed of light gets all the publicity (because of its starring role in Einstein’s iconic equation E = mc2), but Planck’s constant is every bit as important. Planck’s constant has also enabled the construction of the transistors, integrated circuits, and chips that have revolutionized our lives."
And Google, is delving into it's depths.
To see if it can explore soul of the "Star Stuff", we are all made of.
Next time, I'll talk about the Chandrashekar Limit, the connected number which has been called, "The Threshold That Makes Life Possible." Named after Subramanyan Chandrashekhar, a 21-year old child prodigy from colonial India..